Whole grain products
Abrikosmarmelade SISINNI 500g
Abrikosmarmelade Sisinni har en rige smag af abrikos og kan spises med en ske og ikke kun! De er modstandsdygtige over for ovnen, velegnet til konfekture, selv til påsmøring. Bruges til at tilberede vidunderlige tærter og pastaflora eller til at fylde croissanter, småkager, donuts og puffs.
Ideel til bagning
Æblemarmelade med kanel SISINNI 500g
Appelsin marmelade Sisinni har en rige smag af appelsin og kan spises med en ske og ikke kun! De er modstandsdygtige over for ovnen, velegnet til konfekture, selv til påsmøring. Bruges til at tilberede vidunderlige tærter og pastaflora eller til at fylde croissanter, småkager, donuts og puffs.
Ideel til bagning
Appelsin marmelade SISINNI 500g
Appelsin marmelade Sisinni har en rige smag af appelsin og kan spises med en ske og ikke kun! De er modstandsdygtige over for ovnen, velegnet til konfekture, selv til påsmøring. Bruges til at tilberede vidunderlige tærter og pastaflora eller til at fylde croissanter, småkager, donuts og puffs.
Ideel til bagning
Barley Cretan wholemeal cracker from Hadzi’s Bakery 400 gr
Small crispy slices of crackers/dako made with whole grain barley flour and with 30 years of history from the local bakery of Hatzikyriakidis in the heart of Heraklion, Crete! Enjoy them in the morning with your coffee or tea (preferably Greek mountain tea, since Greek goes well with Greek), or with daily creations in your kitchen. The Cretan barley cracker is a typical ingredient of our Mediterranean diet.
Cretan Daku wholemeal crackers, without added sugar and salt from Hadzi’s bakery 600g
Handmade and homemade Barley Daku crackers are made from the finest ingredients and whole wheat barley flour. It can be used for the delicious traditional Cretan dako or you can use it along with yogurt and Greek honey. Crackers and Dakos are characteristic of the Mediterranean diet and especially of Crete, which is why we should be able to enjoy them from every part of the planet.
Elite rye crusts 3x90g + 1x90g free
Fuldkorn Penne pasta Melissa 500g
Jordbærmarmelade SISINNI 500g
Jordbærmarmelade Sisinni har en rige smag af jordbær og kan spises med en ske og ikke kun! De er modstandsdygtige over for ovnen, velegnet til konfekture, selv til påsmøring. Bruges til at tilberede vidunderlige tærter og pastaflora eller til at fylde croissanter, småkager, donuts og puffs.
Ideel til bagning
Whole grain crusts Krispies Papadoloulou 200g
Wholegrain Krispies Papadoloulou crusts with no added sugar 200g
Wholegrain Tahini Sesame Butter Salonikio 300g
Salonikio whole grain tahini is a completely natural food product consisting of whole, lightly roasted and ground sesame seeds. It's a plant-based nutritional treasure rich in protein and calcium. A fine product that goes harmoniously with a little Greek honey as a spread on a slice of bread, a perfect addition to your breakfast, or use it in salads, sauces, dips and soups or other fine recipes.
Wholemeal small Dkos from Hatzi’s Bakery 400 gr
The handmade small Dakos are individual portions of Dakos, where they are prepared from the best pure ingredients and whole grain barley flour. It can be used for the delicious traditional Cretan dako or use it with yogurt and Greek honey. Nuts and Dakos are characteristic of the Mediterranean diet and especially of Cretan, which is why we should be able to enjoy them from every part of the world.