Lentils small 3ALFA 500g

25.00 kr.99.95 kr.

Dried lentils are not only nutritious, but also guarantee a delicious meal. We usually prefer them cooked as soup. But they are also great as a salad, in combination with raw vegetables and as a side dish with meat.

Weight 0.6 kg

Dried lentils do not need to be soaked first.
You cook the lentils directly and the cooking time can vary greatly, from about 15 minutes to around 40 minutes. Check the package and use the correct cooking time.
Lentils are rich in iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates, proteins and B vitamins.They contain proteins and mineral salts that need to be combined with fresh vegetables to be utilized nutritionally by the body.We usually prefer them cooked as a soup with a little vinegar before serving. But they are great as a salad, in combination with raw vegetables and as a side dish with meat.

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